It’s Not About Me Devotional Guide + Journal

reading God's word, reflecting on His promises, and renewing yourself through song daily—these practices have been the cornerstone of my spiritual journey.

in 2021, i heard God’s voice loud and clear, calling me to write a 30-day devotional guide. i eagerly took on the task, and once i finished, i thought, "okay, all done, Lord; i did what You asked me to do!" but God had a different plan. His response was, "i didn’t have you write the devotion for yourself. go publish it!"

if i can be honest, i've struggled with making this process about myself and my feelings. i've asked, "what will people think?" and "will it help somebody?" but deep down, i've always known that this isn't about me. this process, this life here on earth, this devotion is about Him and His glory.

out of obedience, i am sharing this devotion with you and my prayer for you is simple yet profound:

“that over the next 30 days, God reveals and confirms His purpose for your life and that you are humbly empowered to fulfill it.”

this devotion is not about me; it's about Him and written for you. thank you for joining me on this journey. may it bring you closer to the purpose He created you for.

you are unique and so is your purpose.
woman reading a book and holding pen in hand


God's word

woman looking at her chin in a mirror


on his promises



yourself through song daily

a black and white photo of melissa ingram, founder of the not about me community


The Author

child of God.
that good good girlfriend.

lover of God
it is not about me,
t’s about Him
and His glory.
to God be the glory.

to connect with the author,
click here.
