
Not About Me” is more than a brand; it’s a call to live a life of profound purpose and service. As a vibrant Christian lifestyle community, we’re dedicated to inspiring you to transcend everyday self-interests and embrace a life that mirrors the selflessness and compassion of Jesus Christ. Through our thoughtfully crafted devotional journals, enriching events, and dynamic digital content, we invite you to journey towards a deeper understanding of God’s intentions for your life.

At the heart of “Not About Me,” we strive to forge a nurturing fellowship bound by the shared values of community, worship, and unconditional love. This lifestyle is divinely designed to strengthen your spiritual foundation, empowering you to not only say and wear your faith but to truly live it out loud. Join us and countless other “vessels” who have embarked on this transformative path. Discover how embracing a life where “Not About Me” becomes your guiding principle, filling your days with hope and your actions with purpose. Together, let’s make a difference, one act of love and service at a time.



worship is a lifestyle. not a fad, trend or a sunday morning activity. it’s what we were

love is essential. it is the greatest commandment. it always protects. always trusts. always hopes. always perseveres. love never fails. love God. love others.

community is our heartbeat.  we are never alone on this journey.  we see each other the way God sees us. each one, reach one.

Motivating Mantras

it’s not over until it’s good.
-romans 8:28


Community Vessels